The Most UNDERRATED X32 Features for Churches with Drew Brashler | Churchfront Podcast

Exploring Advanced Audio Techniques for Churches with Drew Brashler on Churchfront Podcast

In a recent episode of the Churchfront Worship and Tech podcast, hosted by Luke Jackson, audio engineering expert Drew Brashler shared invaluable insights into improving church sound systems. Drew, renowned for his YouTube tutorials on the Behringer X32 mixer, discusses its potential to transform church audio experiences, focusing particularly on the most underutilized features that can make a significant difference.

Drew’s Background

Drew Brashler’s journey in audio engineering began early, and over the years, he has worked with numerous mega-churches, honing his skills and sharing his knowledge through online platforms. His approachable teaching style has helped countless churches enhance their worship services through better sound.

Deep Dive into Behringer X32’s Features

During the podcast, Drew highlighted the Behringer X32, a mixer that has become a staple in many churches due to its affordability and robust features. However, he pointed out that many of its most powerful features are often overlooked by users.

1. Effects Rack Utilization

One such feature is the X32’s built-in effects rack, which includes an array of processing tools that can significantly enhance audio output. Drew emphasized the “precision limiter” within the effects rack, which is crucial for managing sound levels effectively during live streams. This tool ensures that the audio does not peak too high, which can lead to distortion, and helps maintain a consistent volume across different segments of a service.

2. Matrix Section

Another underutilized feature is the matrix section of the mixer. Drew explained that the matrix allows for more flexible routing and distribution of audio signals. For instance, it can be used to send different mixes to various locations such as cry rooms or overflow areas without affecting the main mix in the sanctuary. This feature is particularly useful in larger churches where audio needs to be distributed to multiple areas.

Practical Application

Drew provided practical tips on how these features could be used in a church setting. He suggested using the precision limiter to improve the quality of the live stream’s audio by preventing volume spikes and keeping the sermon’s audio level consistent with the music. For the matrix section, he recommended using it to create separate mixes for different zones in a church, allowing for customized volume levels and EQ settings tailored to the acoustics of each space.


Drew Brashler’s expertise offers a roadmap for churches to not only use their audio equipment more effectively but to also explore features that may have been overlooked. By leveraging the full capabilities of mixers like the Behringer X32, churches can dramatically improve the quality of their sound, enhancing the overall worship experience for congregants.

Churches looking to dive deeper into the potential of their audio systems are encouraged to explore further training and tutorials from experts like Drew. Engaging with professional audio consultants can also provide customized solutions that cater to specific needs and help maximize the impact of technology in worship settings.

This episode of the Churchfront Worship and Tech podcast is a must-listen for any church audio technician or worship leader looking to expand their knowledge and make the most out of their sound systems. Join the conversation and start transforming your church’s audio experience today.

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