How I Mixed a Church Livestream in Ableton Live 12

We’ve all been there. You finish up a Sunday morning service, everything feels great in the room, the band was tight, the energy was there, and people were engaged. But then you go home, pull up the livestream, and immediately regret that decision. The mix sounds thin, lifeless, maybe even unbalanced. What happened?

One of the most common questions we get at Churchfront is how to get a great-sounding livestream mix. And in this case, someone sent me their Ableton Live 12 project and asked for help. They wanted to mix their live stream inside of Ableton and needed a template that would translate their multitracks into a professional-sounding mix.

So in this video, I walk through how I took their recorded tracks and built a livestream mixing template in Ableton Live 12 that they can now use every Sunday. I’ll break down the plugins, processing, and workflow I used to get a balanced, engaging mix that sounds great both in the room and online.

Let’s dive in.

The Philosophy Behind Mixing a Livestream

First off, there’s no one perfect way to mix. Mixing audio is a blend of art and science—you need the technical know-how to make smart decisions, but you also need an ear for what feels right.

A good mix isn’t about perfection. It’s about enhancing the energy and feel of the performance so that people watching online feel like they’re in the room.

The best sound engineers I know are always learning, asking for feedback, and tweaking their approach. So if you hear something in this video that you’d do differently, let me know in the comments. I’m always looking to get better, and we can all learn from each other.

Breaking Down the Mix – Channel by Channel


Drums are the foundation of a great mix, so I always start there. The goal is to get tight, punchy, and natural drums that cut through but don’t overpower the mix.

  • Kick Drum – Used gating, EQ, CLA-76 compression, and a Waves Submarine plugin to add low-end punch.
  • Snare & Toms – Gated to remove bleed, boosted midrange to cut through the mix, and added parallel compression to add energy.
  • Overheads – Rolled off lows to clean up the mix and enhance the natural brightness of the cymbals.
  • Drum Bus Processing – Added Abbey Road Mastering Chain for glue and parallel compression for extra punch.

Band Instruments

  • Piano – Used Waves StudioVerse for quick processing, some EQ brightening to make it cut through, and slight compression to control dynamics.
  • Synths – High-passed to remove unnecessary lows and give space to vocals and lead instruments.
  • Electric Guitars – EQ’d to remove mud, added doubler for stereo width, and used CLA Guitars for extra presence.
  • Acoustic Guitar – Compressed just enough to even out strumming but not kill dynamics.

Orchestra & Crowd Mics

  • Orchestra Mics – Gated and high-passed to remove unnecessary stage noise.
  • Crowd Mic – Rolled off lows, brightened up for clarity, and added a stereo doubler to enhance width.

Vocals – The Most Critical Part

  • Tuning – Used Waves Tune Real-Time, set to the key of the song for natural pitch correction.
  • EQ & CompressionTwo-stage compression (fast attack CLA-76 + smooth LA-2A) for consistent, upfront vocals.
  • Reverb & Delay – Used H-Reverb for space and H-Delay for subtle ambiance.

Mastering & Final Touches

Once the individual elements were dialed in, I applied master bus processing to give the mix a final polish:

  • Abbey Road Mastering Chain – Glued the mix together.
  • Vitamin Enhancer – Added warmth and clarity.
  • L3 Maximizer – Controlled peaks and ensured a broadcast-ready level.

Mixing with a MIDI Controller (Behringer X-Touch Extender)

Mixing with a mouse isn’t fun. Having physical faders makes a huge difference when dialing in levels dynamically.

I used the Behringer X-Touch Extender mapped to Ableton’s mixer:

  • Quickly grab and adjust channels instead of clicking around.
  • Bank through faders to access different instrument groups.
  • Instantly tweak levels without diving into menus.

If you mix inside a DAW, get yourself a MIDI controller. It makes mixing feel like an actual console.

Automating Vocal Tuning for Worship Sets

One challenge with Waves Tune Real-Time is that it needs to be set to the correct key of each song.

I set up Ableton locators to trigger key changes for each song using MIDI automation.

  • This way, as soon as a new song starts, the tuning automatically adjusts.
  • Failsafe mode: If someone messes up, there’s a “Chromatic” mode that can be selected at any time.

If you’re tuning live vocals in Ableton, this is a game-changer.

Final Thoughts

Mixing a livestream in Ableton Live 12 is totally possible—and with the right template, plugins, and workflow, you can get professional results every Sunday.

What’s Next?

  • Try out some of these techniques in your own church’s livestream mix.
  • Grab a MIDI controller for better hands-on mixing.
  • Automate key changes in Waves Tune Real-Time for seamless vocal tuning.

Let me know in the comments if you have any questions, and don’t forget to subscribe to Churchfront for more worship tech tips.

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